Zoom2 Whitening

What is Zoom2 Tooth Whitening?

If you're looking for a fast way to dramatically whiten your teeth, Zoom2 Chair side Whitening System may be the answer for you.

ZOOM Whitening System is a safe and effective way of whitening your teeth in one visit. It is the ideal choice for anyone looking to achieve immediate results without the hassle of trays and strips. This is a popular choice for patients preparing for special occasions such as weddings etc.

In just 45 minutes, this safe and effective system can give you the instant results you've been wanting – an average of eight shades! A specially designed light activates the Zoom! Whitening Gel to gently break down stains on your teeth to put the sparkle back in your smile! Also with the new Zoom2 system, our patients experience up to 67% less sensitivity than with the previous Zoom! system.

It is one of the safest procedures in cosmetic dentistry. However, we do not recommend this procedure for pregnant women or children under age 13.

You will be given some post-whitening care instructions after your procedure. It is important to maintain a good oral hygiene regimen post-whitening to preserve your bright, white smile. We also recommend occasional touch-ups with the Zoom! Take-Home Gel. Your smile will always be brighter than it was before the procedure, but by following these simple instructions, you can retain your results for a long time!